Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Treat Wisdom Tooth Pain With These Home Remedies

Treat Wisdom Tooth Pain With These Home Remedies It’s the middle of the night and you are experiencing horrible pain in the area of your wisdom teeth. Stores are closed and you begin to think there is no relief in sight. Fear not, just head to your […]

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The Signs Of Your Wisdom Teeth Coming In

The Signs Of Your Wisdom Teeth Coming In Technically your wisdom teeth are just third molars. They received the name “wisdom teeth” because they usually come in between the ages of 17-20 when you are becoming wiser. It is certainly true that it is wise to have […]

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The Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Why You Should Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed Most everyone has wisdom teeth, and at some point or another, most everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. There are several benefits of removing wisdom teeth that directly impact your health and wellness. If you’re part of […]

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How Should I Sleep After My Wisdom Teeth are Taken Out?

How Should I Sleep After My Wisdom Teeth are Taken Out? Having your wisdom teeth taken out can sometimes result in mild pain, temporary numbness, soreness, tenderness, or tiredness. Because wisdom teeth extraction is often done while the patient is heavily medicated or under anesthesia, you’re likely […]

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When Should I Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

When Should I Remove My Wisdom Teeth? Having your wisdom teeth removed is often considered an initiation into adulthood. Since most people get them removed somewhere between the ages of 16 to 19, it’s often one of the first major medical procedures that people experience. Wondering when […]

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Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips Getting wisdom teeth removed is often one of the biggest medical procedures patients have ever had. Since wisdom teeth usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25, patients are usually very young and haven’t had any other major procedures up […]

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The Possible Wisdom Teeth Complications

The Possible Wisdom Teeth Complications Many dental patients wonder if wisdom teeth removal is really necessary. There are cases where it is not, but generally, as the wisdom teeth begin to grow, they cause the other teeth to crowd each other. This can cause pain, decay, infection, […]

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What To Expect After Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

wisdom teeth removal process

What To Expect After Your Wisdom Teeth Removal So your dentist says it’s time to get your wisdom teeth out? Never fear! Though you may have heard some scary stories about recovery from wisdom teeth removal, this common procedure usually goes quickly and smoothly. And there’s one […]

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What Happens If You Never Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled Out?

As human beings, it’s in our nature to follow paths of least resistance and least discomfort, which is why no one looks forward to having their wisdom teeth pulled out. But what happens if you skip it altogether? Will there be any lasting repercussions? Hopefully not. If […]

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What Are the Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

What Are the Signs You Need Wisdom Teeth Pulled? If you’re in your late teens or are a parent of someone in their late teens, you might be wondering how to know if wisdom teeth need to be pulled. It’s a fair question, especially since not everyone […]

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