Tooth Extract or Not Tooth Extract, That is the Question

Tooth Extract or Not Tooth Extract, That is the Question

If you have a wisdom tooth that’s bothering you, determining what to do about it can be challenging. While an extraction is never first on the usual agenda, wisdom teeth present their own unique hurdles that need to be taken into consideration when determining the best course of action.

So much can occur when a wisdom tooth erupts, that will ultimately pave the way in determining whether to have it extracted or leave it be. There was a time when the only way to determine whether a wisdom tooth needed to be extracted was through a dental exam. However, now with the advanced imaging technology available, the Wisdom Teeth Guys can better determine the necessity of an extraction.

The thing is, when a wisdom tooth grows in, it doesn’t always fully erupt through the gums like most other teeth. Due to a lack of room along the jaw, wisdom teeth generally only partially erupt. However, there are times when they may not erupt through the gums at all, but remain deeply impacted within the gums growing straight, at an angle, or even horizontally. The manner in which the wisdom tooth is growing will also factor into determining the correct treatment for it.

Ultimately, there are four primary factors that can affect whether or not an extraction is necessary or should be performed. The position of the tooth and whether or not it is impacted can deem an extraction necessary, as can decay and the risk of complications.


If a wisdom tooth is growing in vertically and is not expected to cause any problems, it may not need not to be extracted at all. There are a number of people who never have their wisdom teeth removed, or perhaps require only one or two of them to be removed.


A problematic wisdom tooth, however, is one that raises concerns and may need to come out. An impacted wisdom tooth, or one that is not growing in straight can cause a lot of pain and stiffness as well as swollen, irritated gums caused by the awkward angle at which it is growing, and potentially even decay issues.


Even if you brush your teeth religiously three times a day, every single day, if the position of the wisdom tooth is awkward and difficult to fully clean, decay can happen. Everyone’s mouth contains bacteria. The bacteria thrive on the foods that we eat and drink every day and lives within the plaque and debris left behind on our teeth and gums. However, usually the bacteria are washed away when we brush our teeth and floss. If a wisdom tooth is partially erupted and cannot be properly cleaned, bacteria can eat away at the enamel, forming a cavity and leaving a trail of decay in their wake.


Complications can arise with any patient and at any time. A number of people find themselves at a much higher risk of experiencing complications than others. Individuals who are over age 35 pose an increased risk over those who are younger. However, this same risk further increases in those over the age of 50. This is because as we age, our jawbone hardens, making extractions more difficult among other risks as age increases and health decreases.

When push comes to shove, making the decision on whether or not to extract remains between you and your dentist. The Wisdom Teeth Guys can guide you based on your individual situation as well as the potential consequences should you elect not to extract.

Do you have a wisdom tooth giving you problems that you need answers to? Give us a call today to schedule an exam and allow us to assist you with your decision.

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