All-Inclusive Wisdom Teeth Removal
Exam, x-rays, IV sedation, and removal of four wisdom teeth for one low price


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Wisdom teeth come in during our late teens and early twenties, and they often cause lots of pain. You already will have 28 adult teeth in place by the time these late comers decide to emerge – if they decide to emerge altogether. They can come in at an angle and cause pain to the other teeth. These generally are the advantages of getting a specialized and qualified wisdom teeth dentist.
The consequences of leaving impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth in place can include infections anywhere in the mouth or even the throat. When you have infections in your mouth as a result of a tooth extraction, you won’t have the ability to eat and chances are, you won’t have the ability to swallow either. Don’t underestimate the seriousness of an infection that can make it too painful to eat for days or even longer.
After examining your wisdom teeth your dentist will let you know if you will need to see an oral surgeon. If you suspect that your wisdom teeth need to be removed, see a qualified dentist who can examine your mouth and decide what treatment will probably be best for you. The dentist will make sure that you are as comfortable as possible while he or she examines you, conducts the essential tests and performs the extraction procedure.
Call our Dallas Offices at 214-317-4039 Today!
If you experience a throbbing pain which recurs steadily, a foul smell and perhaps a stiff jaw, after a tooth extraction, you might have a dry socket. Once it’s discovered, you wisdom tooth dentist will wash away any food or bacterial debris in the socket and bandage it with a medicated dressing. Clove oil, a natural pain-relieving agent, is often in the dressing applied to your wisdom tooth socket.
The chance of dry socket infection occurring when you have removed another teeth is 2%. If it’s a wisdom tooth being extracted, the probability of dry socket soars to 30%. Fever, swelling or redness are not the symptoms to expect when you have a dry socket because it is not classified as an infection.
Speaking of infections, dental caries is a common side effect of wisdom tooth problems, and can create holes in otherwise healthy molars. Teeth affected by dental caries can really wreak havoc on your perfect smile. But with the right dentist, your confidence can be restored because he can help keep the smile clean. You no longer have to mind about faking your smile or having a bad breath when you have the right doctor.
Call our Dallas Offices at 214-317-4039 Today!