All-Inclusive Wisdom Teeth Removal
Exam, x-rays, IV sedation, and removal of four wisdom teeth for one low price


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Having your wisdom teeth removed can be a huge challenge, but it’ll be much easier to manage if you arm yourself with crucial information about the procedure. If you suspect that your wisdom teeth are becoming infected or do not have room to come in, see an experienced dentist who can examine and remove them if necessary. These reasons should help you understand why choosing a highly talented dentist is vital to your general health.
If your dentist determines that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, he or she may go ahead and do it at the clinic. At the very least, your dentist will likely be in a position to evaluate your wisdom teeth and determine whether they ought to be removed. You’ll receive personalized care, from the initial evaluation to the actual removal procedure, that ensures you’re comfortable the entire time.
Third molars can get infections that spread to your tongue, throat, or even cheek. While not being able to eat your favorite foods is already frustrating, you will suffer from extra pain when swallowing if you develop a throat infection. These infections can be serious up to a level they’re going to make you skip meals for a few days or even weeks.
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If you consult with a dentist who has a strong track record in terms of dealing with wisdom teeth, you are in good hands. These experts have access to the best tools and experience for removing or aligning wisdom teeth while ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible. The teeth are extremely important to us. Without them, we can’t do basic things like eat. Because of this, you need to have the best dentist for your needs.
Complications can arise after any procedure, including surgery to eliminate your wisdom teeth. Whether or not you experience complications depends upon many factors, from you dentist’s experience to your ability to follow his or her post-op instructions. Most people who have had their wisdom teeth removed are affected much by infections and it is even worse to people who smoke. Infection can also be brought on by food and bacteria getting into the socket where the tooth used to be.
Most people find it very uncomfortable, if not downright painful, when their wisdom teeth begin to push their way through the gums. Third molars that come in crookedly often cause other teeth to start hurting as well. Even wisdom teeth that fail to come in at all or don’t cause any pain can eventually become problematic. You could seek pain relief with over-the-counter meds, but you will eventually need to see a dentist.
Call our Dallas Offices at 214-317-4039 Today!