All-Inclusive Wisdom Teeth Removal
Exam, x-rays, IV sedation, and removal of four wisdom teeth for one low price


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Third molars are also known as wisdom teeth and they remain a common source of pain for young adults, because they emerge so comparatively late in a human being’s life. With 28 teeth already grown, wisdom teeth might not have enough room to come in properly. Wisdom teeth sometimes grow partially, and sometimes they’ll emerge at an angle. Mostly there’re two wisdom teeth on each jaw. Below are various reasons why you should find a qualified wisdom teeth specialist to attend to your needs.
If your dentist feels strongly enough about the necessity to have your wisdom teeth extracted, he or she may do the procedure there and then. If your dentist is seasoned in the area of wisdom tooth extraction, he or she will be in a position to assess the situation and recommend the course of action most suitable to you. You should receive personalized care, including the physical exam and performing the actual procedure while maintaining your overall comfort.
Fast recurring throbbing pain, a foul smell as well as a stiff jaw are a few of the symptoms of a dry socket. When you see the doctor about your painful wisdom tooth socket, he or she will irrigate it to remove any food or bacterial debris and afterwards dress it. The dressing used on a dry socket often includes clove oil, which is a natural pain relieving compound and can make your recovery more comfortable.
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It’s not likely that you can get dry socket after a regular tooth removal; it affects about 2% of cases. If it’s a wisdom tooth you’re having removed, however, that 2% chance of dry socket soars to 30%. Even though they are not infectious, the dry sockets will cause significant issues.
As with any kind of tooth removal procedures, complications can emerge after removing a wisdom tooth. This happens due to some factors such as the expert’s skill level as well as your ability to follow instructions given by your dentist. Smokers are at particular risk of experiencing complications after having their wisdom teeth removed. Trapped food and bacteria on the edges of the wisdom teeth causes diseases.
Painful nerve damage can occur after an incorrectly done surgery performed by an unskilled dentist, which is why you should make certain you are selecting the right wisdom tooth dentist. Nerve damage causes numbness, pain, and tingling in your lip, chin, tongue, teeth, and gums. They really are very rare cases though whenever a nerve is damaged, it can result to a permanent problem if you don’t seek treatment early. But nerve damage sustained after the removal of wisdom teeth can be treated with root canal therapy or endodontic treatment.
Call our Dallas Offices at 214-317-4039 Today!